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Are You Addicted To Gambling?

Posted on June 25, 2022 by Lucien Halfacre

People do come to the understanding they're addicted to gambling. Some of us are prepared to get help, some refuse, others do not know what to do, where to go or who to trust. A small proportion of those people will seek help. They're the lucky ones. Others But will continue to live in a dream world.

The dream world takes the addicted person from pain, loneliness and truth. As every day passes they lose more money and attempt to believe next time they'll have that big win. Unfortunately it never comes.

An addict is an individual whose life is dependent and limited by their aspiration to keep on following the identical behavior patterns. We are individuals who exhibit behavior patterns which if continued will become progressively worse. The final result may include jail, associations, illness, poverty, and death.

Only you are able to choose when you've got an addiction.

There is absolutely no humiliation in facing up to the fact that you've got a problem! The most important thing is that you chose to do something about it.

Most of gamblers have experienced one or more of these:

- Having Difficulty sleeping

- Having Trouble focusing

- Struggling to get gaming off your mind

- Didn't tell people where you're going

- Kept your gaming a secret from Nearest and Dearest

- Feeling good so you wanted to bet

- Feeling bad so you wanted to bet

- Time stands still until you gamble again

There are many other ways to decide if you've got a gambling problem, but I think you already know.